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群馬大学 生体調節研究所

アクセス アクセス

A genetic disease model for the insulin receptor

Kota Banzai 1, Takashi Nishimura 1,2,* (1. Laboratory for Growth Control Signaling, RIKEN Center for Biosystems Dynamics Research (BDR)、2. Laboratory of Metabolic Regulation and Genetics, Institute for Molecular and Cellular Regulation (IMCR), Gunma University、*: Corresponding author)


In this study, using the model organism fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster, we discovered a temperature-sensitive mutant of the insulin receptor and demonstrated its usefulness as a genetic disease model for type 2 diabetes.This research result makes it possible to reduce the function of insulin at any life stage by changing the rearing temperature and to easily induce pathological models, which may contribute to the exploration of diabetes mechanisms and therapeutic research. In addition, by taking advantage of their rapid life cycle and versatility of genetic tools, this research will contribute to the understanding of diseases caused by a combination of inherent genetic abnormalities and the life environment, such as nutritional conditions.


Paper information

Isolation of a novel missense mutation in insulin receptor as a spontaneous revertant of ImpL2 mutation in Drosophila
Development(The Company of Biologists) December 9, 2022

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