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群馬大学 生体調節研究所

アクセス アクセス

Epigenetics and Metabolism

Dr. Inagaki

 Professor : INAGAKI Takeshi
Lab website


Professor: INAGAKI Takeshi
Associate Professor: KOMATSU Tetsuro
Assistant Professor: SUZUKI Tomohiro
Technical Assistant: HAYASHI Mayuko
Technical Assistant: SAKURAI Hiromi
Technical Assistant: TANIOKA Akiko
Technical Assistant: ODAGIRI Mayumi
Graduate Student: MASUDA Shinnosuke

Professor: INAGAKI Takeshi Associate Professor: KOMATSU Tetsuro Assistant Professor: SUZUKI TomohiroProfessor: INAGAKI Takeshi Associate Professor: KOMATSU Tetsuro Assistant Professor: SUZUKI TomohiroProfessor: INAGAKI Takeshi Associate Professor: KOMATSU Tetsuro Assistant Professor: SUZUKI Tomohiro●280280


Epigenetic regulation of gene expression is independent of genomic sequence and therefore can flexibly respond to environmental factors. We are currently investigating various epigenetic mechanisms by which the environmental factors are linked to metabolic diseases. Main focus of our research is histone modification which regulates gene expression through changing chromatin structure and cofactor recruitment. Using techniques of transcriptomics, epigenetics, proteomics and animal models, we intend to elucidate the detail mechanisms of epigenetic regulations of energy metabolism and adipose cell development.


On-going projects

  1. Investigation of transcriptional regulation mechanisms regulated by histone demethylases
  2. Elucidation of epigenetics in adipocyte differentiation and trans-differentiation
  3. Comprehensive analysis of histone codes
  4. Nuclear receptors and endocrine fibroblast growth factors



Epigenome, metabolic diseases, energy metabolism, transcription, chromatin structure

Select References

  1. Abe Y. et al. (2018). Nature Communications 19;9(1):1556
  2. Inagaki T. et al. (2016). Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology 17(8):480-95
  3. Abe Y. et al. (2015). Nature Communications 7;6:7052
  4. Inagaki T. et al. (2009). Genes to Cells 14(8):991-1001
  5. Inagaki T. et al. (2007). Cell Metabolism 5(6), 415-425
  6. Inagaki T. et al. (2005). Cell Metabolism 2(4), 217-225