2019.12.26 Event Seminar Information [20200221]生体調節研究所 内分泌/代謝学共同利用共同研究拠点 ワークショップの開催 2019.12.20 Information Job Important Joint/Usage Research Program for Endocrine/Metabolism(Fiscal Year 2020) 2019.10.18 Information Research 組織・臓器の発生プロセスのエラー回避機構を発見 2019.09.24 Information Research IMCR Director Ken Sato, Professor of Molecular Traffic, has received the 27th Kihara Memorial Yokohama Foundation Academic Award 2019.05.28 Information 細胞構造分野の三枝研究員が日本内分泌学会の若手研究奨励賞を受賞しました 2019.04.01 Information Professor Ken SATO was inaugurated as the Director of IMCR on April 1st, 2019. 2019.01.07 Information Job Important Joint/Usage Research Program for Endocrine/Metabolism(Fiscal Year 2019) 2017.10.10 Information Dr. Sho Matsui, a post-doctoral research fellow in our institution, won the Young Investigator Award at the 38th annual meeting of Japan Society for the Study of Obesity. 2017.07.18 Information Dr. Masaki Kobayashi, an assistant professor in the laboratory for metabolic signaling, won the best poster award at the 35th JES Summer Seminar on Endocrinology & Metabolism, which was held on July 13-15, 2017. 2016.04.26 Information Dr. Sho Matsui, a postdoctoral fellow in the laboratory for metabolic signaling, won the young investigator award at the 89th annual meeting of the Japan Endocrine Society, which was held on April 21-23, 2016.